Zambian-led Prevention Initiative (ZPI)
WHERE: Solwezi, Kasempa, Mufunbwe and Kabompo, North-Western Province and Mwense, Kawambwa, Nchelenge and Samfya, Luapula Province.
To contribute to the reduction of new cases of HIV.
-Ministry of Health
-FHI 360 Prime
-Population Council
WHAT: In collaboration with government ministries, the National AIDS Council, traditional leaders and their communities, and the private sector, A2HealthZ played a key role in the Zambia-led Prevention Initiative (ZPI), the broad FHI 360-headed response to the devastation of HIV in Zambia. For this project, A2HealthZ educated families, designed and promoted responses to ensure local ownership, and undertook other prevention activities in North-Western and Luapula provinces. We also built community capacity to access effective, gender-sensitive, high-quality HIV prevention programs, with HIV testing and counseling, male circumcision, and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Finally, at the national level, we provided technical assistance to all project partners nationwide on biomedical HIV prevention and trained all project partners in A2HealthZ’s signature Men Taking Action approach to male engagement.
– Built capacity in communities affected by HIV/AIDS to access more effective, gender-sensitive, high-quality HIV prevention programs, including HIV testing and counseling (HTC), male circumcision (MC), and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT).
– Strengthened the continuity and coordination of, as well as the commitment to, effective, efficient, and sustainable HIV prevention, including HTC, MC, and PMTCT.
– Designed efficient, sustainable, locally owned responses to HIV and AIDS, including increased engagement with the private sector.
– Provided community-based services for family planning (FP) and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) with support from MOH as an adjunct to effective prevention of HIV.